Youth Wellness Program


We believe youth are our next leaders, parents, artists, business owners, scientists, land protectors, and knowledge keepers. Supporting them to reach their aspirations, whatever they might be is our goal.

Support for Youth

Youth are faced with their own types of challenges from dealing with family issues to discovering who they are and who they want to become. We are proud to be able to support them on their journey with these services


Youth Navigators

Our Navigators (often called intervention workers) support youth to better navigate the journey of dealing with tough issues, set goals, and find the right solutions, and navigate public services.

Education Support

We can provide support to help you achieve your education goals.

Culture and Community

Maintaining our culture in a city can be difficult, this is why we offer various cultural services specifically for Youth


Youth Council

The youth council works together on a collective project that can impact their community

Youth On The Land

Nature is medecine and the root of our culture. We make it fun and engaging for Youth to get back to our traditions on the land

Youth Drop-in

Afternoon social and creative activities to build a stronger community


Language Program

It’s never too late to learn or reinforce your traditional language

Watershed Dance Program

New video! This 12-week program explored different dance styles such as contemporary, Powwow, hip-hop, hoop, and more!

Haven’t found the service you are looking for ? Visit our all programs page or contact us our team will be happy to help you